Monday 7 December 2015

how to choose best beef

  1. 1
    Familiarize yourself with the names of the various cuts of steak. There are steaks that come with bones and without. For example:
    • Fillet steak: the most expensive cut, often consumed when eating out as a treat. This cut does not have a bone. Also known as eye fillet steak; fine texture and most tender.
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    • Sirloin: this cut is large in size and can include a bone or may be boneless. The fillet and thin minute steak form a part of the sirloin. It can also be termed a "contre-filet".
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    • T-bone, Porterhouse steak: these contain a large bone. Also known as strip loin steak. Good barbecued or grilled.
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    • Rump steak: the tender, lean cut. Taken from the upper part of the round (hindquarter). Great for barbecuing.
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    • New York cut: Boneless strip loin steak.
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    • Skirt steak: This piece comes from the inner thigh and is coarse-grained, lean and flavorsome. Best for stews and casseroles, requires slow cooking.
  2. Image titled Choose the Best Steak Step 2
    Select your steak according to your taste. Do you prefer tender pieces or is a tougher texture fine for you? The more tender the steak, the higher the cost.
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    Ask your butcher about the background of the meat. If it has been hung prior to sale, it will be more tender. This is more likely to occur with a boutique butcher rather than a supermarket butcher. A good relationship with your butcher is very handy and will help teach you about the best types of meat, as well as having the opportunity for getting choice pieces of meat set aside for you!

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